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Click Energy's network of engineers and technology providers
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    You are an innovative company and want to offer your technologies?

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    You are a building service technology company interested in receiving projects through Click Energy?

  • icon fundings

    Your are a funding and loan services office / financial institution and want to offer your services

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Building services technology planner

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Additional Sales Channel

Get new projects and grow your business

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Incredible time saving

No need to spend your pressures time on consultancy and client acquisition.

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Document + Polysun project file

Get all information about client needs in one document, plus a ready-to-use template for each energy system from our partner Polysun.

Technology producers

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Increase your visibility

You want to expand your reach and get engineers to see your technologies.

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Be part of many new and existing projects

ClickEnergy will provide the opportunity for your innovative technologies to be planned into new energy systems.

click energy admin professionals

Become part of a
growing network

  • Through ClickEnergy we can get way more planning contracta without spending a vast amount of time in doing consultation calls

    Christoph Waser

    CEO W&P Engineering

  • ClickEnergy give us an opportunity to increase our market reach and place our solar panels in many more projects than before

    Dr. Joseph Pfister

    CEO Merlin Solar

  • ClickEnergy give us an opportunity to increase our market reach and place our solar panels in many more projects than before

    Dr. Joseph Pfister

    CEO Flowgen

  • ClickEnergy has a great potential for broad market that is in need of easy solutions

    Dr. Joseph Pfister


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