Optimise your 
for better days ☀️

We match high qualified engineering offices, most innovative technology providers and building owners in one place to change the energy system of your building. Get started now with our free and easy step-by-step generator!

  • Verified companies

  • Complete solution

  • Proposal in less than 3min

  • Free service

  • Latest Technologies

    Have access to the latest and most innovative technologies on the market for your house.

  • Experience Engineers

    We work with an independent network of highly experienced and verified engineering Offices

    Work with us
  • Easy Customer Admin

    Stay on top of your project, follow the progress and chat with engineers and experts.

  • Safe & Secure platform

    As an independent platform we only work with engineering offices to avoid any mistake along the

  • Cloud System Simulation

    Every generated system is simulated instantly via cloud in the most advanced engineering software

  • Be smart and save

    Up to 60% cost on your energy bill every month and reduce your carbon print of 80%!

The first step to self sufficiency

Finally a simple solution to change
the energy system of your estate

  • 1.

    Try the generator to evaluate your building and consumption.

  • 2.

    Let the engineers work their magic and design your new energy system.

  • 3.

    Become more self-sufficient and independent of the market price.

Learn more

A platform designed for you!

We connect you with
the right experts

We make innovations accessible by connecting engineers, technology companies, and owners.

With a suitable loan you can make a smart investment for the future. Our team is happy to assist you with all steps necessary.

Home owner
Building owner
office engineer partners
Engineering office

All parties on one digital platform for the best project execution !

  • Keep track of the progress
    and follow every step

    Follow the different steps of the project.

  • Chat with your project manager
    and stay in touch at all times.

    Stay in touch with all parties of your project via messenger on your profile.

  • Everything in one place

    Save and download all your project documents.

The smartest investment to make in 2022 is your energy system

  • We connect you with banks to get the right loan for your investment

    You can compare different banks and loans in our admin section.

Banking partners

Know what you can get

Be smart and save money
with your investment!

Up to 60%

Saving cost on your energy bill

Invest in the future now

How much can you
save on your bills ?*

My yearly bills are 8000€

5000€ saved / year

*based on the average consumption in Germany

How can I profit?

Funds & tax returns

  • The modernization of the heating comes with 25-40% subsidy funded by the state
  • 20% tax can be deducted for energetic renovation
  • 80% subsidy for an energy consultation
  • A system up to 10 kWp receives a fixed feed-in tariff of 8.6 cents per kWh
  • 80% subsidy for an energy consultation
  • We can help you with all that - let’s get startet!

Smart Investment

Increase the value of your real estate

By installing a new energy system the value of your
real estate will increase significantly.

Increase the value  of your real estate

Whats best for my building?

Learn more about the most
innovative technologies

We find the best solution and design for your new energy system depending on your budget, locations, weather, estate and consumption.

Where should I start?

Time to try the generator
and plan your new energy system